Welcome to Story Medicine Worldwide

Healing & Connection

Long ago, when we wrote nothing down outside of our own hearts, our ancestors used stories. To tell about their tradition and knowledge, everything handed down from elders to the young ones, using stories.

Today we remember. We see that stories connect and heal us. We know that our greatest power lives in the words we speak. And that our most precious possession, yes — our voices, words, memories, wisdom, our soul medicine – creating our stories, is free, now available to us all.

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Our Services

Donate to Story Medicine Worldwide

Your gift supports classes, scholarships, outreach, and more.

Internship Program

Become a Certified Story Medicine Faciliator.

About Us

Meet our people and learn about our mission.

Healing Services

Workshops and Classes using the healing power of Story.


Thoughts from Meta and other Teachers/Facilitators.

Meta Commerse

Media interviews with Meta Commerse.

Publications Description/Reviews

Books by Meta Commerse and reader reviews.

Community Action Project/Race Relations Station

Building positive change in our communities through the healing power of Story.

Story Medicine Is …

An Indigenous healing modality blending ritual with the written word. Medicine begins with words in Indigenous cultures. Myth and legend heal because they remind us of balance and right relationship.

In Western culture, we are disconnected from our ancestral stories, and from the value of our individual story. To reclaim our story is to reclaim the lost self. This is what makes Story Medicine so transformational.

Story Medicine Utilizes …

These symbols of the Ashanti in Ghana are timeless and still used today. The name “Adinkra” can probably be traced back to the word “Dinkra” of the Akan/Twi Language spoken by the Ashanti. “Dinkra” means: being separated, taking leave, saying farewell.



“the heart”

patience and tolerance



endurance & resourcefulness


“the goose”

go back and get it

Uniting Through Shared Stories

An Indigenous healing modality blending ritual with the written word. Medicine begins with words in Indigenous cultures.