Community Action Project

Race Relations Station

Vision: A Well, Diverse and Just Community

Mission: Racial Healing and Relationship Building Through Story

Our first 2020 Retreat with Facilitator Heidi Wood

Breaking the Silence: The Race Relations Station Aims for Racial Healing

In 2016, the BBC reported on race relations in the U.S., asking why black and white Americans don’t live together.  America might be composed of people from everywhere, yet today, as in our early history, we live apart from the “other.” Read the article here.
Americans were first divided by race by the slave codes instituted in Southern colonies in the 1600s. Since that era, no federal legislation has reversed racial segregation. 
Asheville is promoted as a beautiful vacation destination.   But visitors arrive and find a conspicuous absence of people of color at our city’s desirable spaces.   Our systemic separation is uninterrupted.  It leaves us chronically estranged, ignorant and perhaps even fearful of each other.

The Racial Healing Interviews, Part 2

As Meta said in Part 1, “My work with people takes them to those stories, to those places that they had not told, had not spent time with, but had spent a lot of energy not telling. Working with them, somehow, preparing a way for them to break silence and go ahead and tell it…this is the nature and purpose of story medicine.”

The Racial Healing Interviews, Part 3

This is Part 3 of David Rayburn’s Racial Healing interview with Meta Commerse. In this episode we bring together the threads of Meta’s writing, aesthetic arts and healing arts into the tapestry of racial healing. As David says in the interview, “If we are going to have a better future, especially together as people broken by prejudice, misperception, misunderstanding, and the terrible history of hate, violence, and oppression that is the legacy of white supremacy, we want to know where we are going – a vision of the future and what it looks like – we want a map or guide.”