Meta Commerse

Story Parlor Asheville Interviews Meta Commerse

Meta Commerse was Story Parlor Asheville’s Story/Arts Artist in Residence for November 2022. Below are excerpts from the talk-back of her show, “Romance, Jingles, and Dreams,” a weaving of monologue, music, images, movement, and selected story readings from Womaning: A Memoir.

Radio Host Hank Eder Interviews
Meta Commerse on The Home
Business Success Show

Hank’s guest, Meta Commerse, is a former professor of History and English, an award-winning author and healer. She is a word medicine woman in the Southern Appalachian story medicine tradition inherited from her grandmother. Her works include five books, essays, newspaper articles, one stage play, and more to come. A graduate of Goddard College in Vermont, Meta is founder and CEO of Story Medicine Worldwide. A performing artist and vocalist, she is the mother of three, grandmother to three grandsons, and has since 2009 made Asheville her home.

David Rayburn Interviews Meta Commerse About Her Newest book, Womaning, for His Practicing Gospel Podcast

In this episode, David speaks to Meta about her groundbreaking book, Womaning. Click the link below to listen.

Uniting Through Shared Stories

An Indigenous healing modality blending ritual with the written word. Medicine begins with words in Indigenous cultures.